Five ways to do Life right!

Cynthia Roche
4 min readMay 29, 2020

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”

-Mae West

This statement may seem negative and impossible. What is meant by ‘right’ ? How can anyone be so perfect so as to do it ‘right’ each and every time? The believers of rebirth may think that this statement is wrong to begin with. We have many births and many lives and therefore we will have many chances to get it right. We are all free to have our take on it. I would like to present my perspective.

When I first came across this statement in my teens, it had a profound impact. It became a philosophy that drove home the rather grim message that life is not to be taken for granted. It became a secret mantra that transformed behavior.

My lukewarm attitude changed into a dedicated one. I began taking more interest in the tasks I used to do. At the back of my mind there was this record that played, “Opportunities do not come again and again, so cherish the one you have!”. I began looking at the world in awe and wonder. I thought, “Who knows what tomorrow has in store, I might as well absorb the beauty of nature and be fully alive to it now.” I began grabbing every opportunity, however small that came my way because I valued it. At the end of the day, there was a fulfillment at having done my best to optimize every moment that had been gifted to me by the universe.

Years flew by. Life happened. Looking back, I do not know when the idealist’s fervor died down and life became a mechanical lackluster routine. In these days of pandemic, the specter of death looms large on the digital screen and consequently on our mind. A couple of days ago, I woke up with this statement from the past dancing on the screen of my mind. I caught on to it, once again, for the second time. I was in need of change of attitude. I needed to find that person who cherished opportunities and wanted to get it right. Every day is an opportunity.

So, here are five ways to get it right.

Past is Over and Done

Everyone has a past. The more sensitive we are, the heavier will be the baggage. The things we should not have done. The words we should have left unsaid. The smarter choices we could have made. The decisions that perhaps needed a little more thought. But life is in the Here and Now. Mulling over the past is sheer waste of time. The more we indulge in it, the more vicious will be the cycle. Accept the fact that we are imperfect. Forgive the self and live in the present. That is Living right!

Be Focused

We are a bundle of aspirations. Most of us fail to realize them due to lack of focus. We drift and lose sight of our purpose. Our will is enslaved to procrastination, indifference and time wasters. Make a plan for the day. Schedule time for your passion. Protect this time from intruders. We may have short term and long term goals. Both are important depending on our priorities. Everyday make some progress in that direction, however small; It still counts in the long run. The bottom line is to remain focused. Focusing on our purpose is an aspect of Living right!

Be Grateful

A lot of time goes in counting the apples on the trees rather than the ones in the basket. We need to be grateful for whatever we have and cherish it. What we energize multiplies. Life is not kind to complainers and whiners. Whining is like that big hole in the bag through which we lose precious time and opportunity. When we are grateful, we become conscious of what we have and are blessed with. We are in a state of grace and abundance. We begin actualizing from a space of confidence and content. Gratitude is a vehicle of Living right!

Do not live in the future

Of course, we should make plan for the next hour and the next day. We must have long term goals too. But overthinking the future is counter productive. Imagination can go on an overdrive and one may begin living in castles built in air. On the other hand, too much of attachment to future plans may make one insecure and fearful. The exercise of creative visualization comes to the aid. Spend some time in the morning visualizing your future self. Visualize how you would look and feel. Let the feeling of achievement and and success flood your being. And then, let it go. Now, do what you need to do to get there. This is a way of Living right!

Live in the Here and Now

Now is the time. Life is in the present moment. Live it to the fullest extent. It means, to give the task at hand your undivided attention. Whether it is chopping onions, talking to a dear one, listening to music, solving a problem, working out, watching a movie or simply gazing at sparrows fly. Be fully present. Be one with life in you and around you. Cherish and nurture the present with your attention. Watch your consciousness expand and embrace life in all its shades and glory. This is another way of Living right!

The proof of the pudding is in eating it. These five ways have never failed to put me on track and make my day an exuberant one. Try it out.

Do share your views on this reflection. You may add to the list and share a life changing quote that energizes you.



Cynthia Roche

An Ex-Teacher of Biology who decided to embark on a journey of self-exploration and fulfillment. Who am I besides my name and designation? Why am I here?